Final Exam

The final exam will be in the form of a project that’s presented, based on the business scenario that you used for the data modeling colloquium.

You are to give a PowerPoint presentation with the following five charts:

Title: Your name, business scenario name

Requirements: a one-page summary of the requirements in bullet form.

Chen ERD: a one-page Chen ERD produced by ERDPlus for your business scenario.

Your Chen ERD

  • must have no generated keys,
  • every entity type must have a natural key,
  • the natural key must be shown by underlining,
  • many-many relationships must be symbolized with diamonds and not associate entities or entities, and
  • many-many relationships must not show as attributes the identifiers of the entity types participating in the relationship.

Relational ERD: a one-page ERD showing the tables in your database. You may use a generated key for any composite keys of three or more columns that are used as foreign keys.

APEX App: a link to your APEX application, that you are to demonstrate live.

Your APEX application

  • will, in most cases, have two different screens for two different types of users, one a customer and one an employee of the business
  • is to present user-friendly screens for carrying out the operations that are specified in your problem statement; that is, end users, either company employees or customers, are not to be concerned with entering information that’s unfamiliar to them.
  • should carry out its business functions and give feedback to the user that the function is complete.